Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani to undergo Coronavirus test today. In CM Bungalow number 26 he became Self Isolate, yesterday Rupani met Gujarat Congress MLA Imran Khedawala in Gandhinagar, Imran tested Coronavirus positive.
Yesterday evening Khedawala was admitted to SVP Hospital in Ahmedabad. He is said to be stable as per AMC Commissioner.
Other Congress MLA Gyasuddin Shaikh also was with Imran. Therefore, today Gyasuddin and Shailesh Parmar has undergone the Coronavirus test. They were with Khedawala.
As per latest news, CM Rupani is tested negative in Coronavirus. His health parameters were found to be normal. Chief Minister Rupani was examined by senior doctors, Dr RK Patel and Dr Atul Patel. However, for one week CM Rupani will avoid meeting visitors and will meet them using means of technology like Video Conference , Tele Conference and Video Calling as a precaution. He will monitor entire activities pertaining to Covid19 virus using latest technology.
Official briefing on CM health was given by officer Ashvini Kumar of Gujarat government.
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