Vadodara: Parul University Clerk committed suicide ; made serious allegations of manipulations
Today Suicide note comprising of pages was found from Clerk of Parul University of Vadodara.
The Clerk Harish Rana was working in Accounts Department of Parul University.

Rana has made serious allegation on University of being pressurised to collected excess fees from the students on failing which their examination forms were held up and delay in admission process was done. Also, admissions to more students were given beyond the quota. Bogus papers of Scholarships were prepared by the University.

Brother of victim Rana has blamed of murder of Harish and torture by the management on him. Noting about allegations on University was found from a diary of Harish. he said that skin of his brother’s hand had come out, which indicates something fishy.

Yesterday Dead body of Harish was found from white colored Maruti car parked at Sayaji garden near Amul Counter. Body was found the driver seat of car. The car had RTO number GJ 1 HE 228.

Sayajiganj police is investing the case. PSI SM Soni said that no evidence as per allegation by Harish has been found. Post Mortem report is expected in a day. We had called FSL team and taken photo of the car where from Harish’s dead body was found.

Primary reason for death is relying on histological and pathological ground, as per PSI of Sayajigunj.