Gujarat Headline News Top Stories

Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India, organized Kids Carnival at its manufacturing plant in Vithlapur, Gujarat

HMSI’s commendable effort to instill the importance of road safety among young minds Today In a commendable effort to inculcate the importance of road safety among young minds of school children, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India, organized a significant event Kids Carnival at its manufacturing plant located in Vithlapur, Gujarat. The festival is a CSR […]

Breaking News Gujarat Header Slider Headline News Top Stories

150 Cadets get exposure of Indian Coast Guard activities at Headquarters in Porbandar

Indian Coast Guard District Headquarters No. 1, Porbandar carried out an interactive session with Gujarat Student Police Cadets on 26 April 2023.  150 Cadets along with 8 teachers visited the Headquarters and Coast Guard Air Enclave, wherein, the Cadets were explained about the role of Indian Coast Guard in the Maritime Zones of India and […]