Directed by Vinod Tiwari, the film stars Vindhya Tiwari, Prateek Shukla, and Ravi Bhatia in the lead. A special screening of the film was held at Wide Angle Multiplex in Ahmedabad on Tuesday before its release. Ahmedabad: The Conversion, a film that explores the topic of religious conversion, is set to hit the theatres worldwide […]
Tag: theatre
Sare Bolo Bewafa new Hindi song of Bachchan Paande released
Sare Bolo Bewafa new Hindi song of Bollywood actor Bachchan Paande Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon’s new song 2022 hase recently been released. Actor himself shared about the song through his social media. Story ahead of the teaser is shown in the song. ‘Saare Bolo Bewafa’ has been given its voice by B Praak, while […]
Night Curfew relaxation in 8 metros of Gujarat during Diwali
Today Gujarat government has taken some important decisions in wake of upcoming Diwali festival,New Year as well as Chhath puja celebrations, including relaxation of night curfew in the state.State Home Department’s notification in this regard has been included. Night curfews have been relaxed in 8 metros of state till November 30. All commercial units, including […]