Today Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel participated in the ‘Gujarat Shizuoka Partnership Day’ program organized at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar. The event was organised in the presence of Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture of Japan Mr. Suzuki Yasutomo, members of the delegation, state ministers and dignitaries. In addition to the friendship agreement between Shizuoka Prefecture, an […]
AMA launched “Suzuki-AMA Centre for Japanese Management” and 76 Members Goodwill Delegation from Shizuoka Prefecture & Hamamatsu City, Japan visited Japan Centres
Japan Centres at AMA have enjoyed a unique recognition & goodwill over the Years through pioneering the Vision & Mission of Making Gujarat the Mini-Japan of India. Japan Centres at AMA have enjoyed a unique recognition & goodwill over the Years through pioneering the Vision & Mission of Making Gujarat the Mini-Japan of India. We […]