Recently Bollywood’s hottest beauty Kiara Advani spotted post workout session in Mumbai. Kiara played amazing role in Dhoni movie. Alia Advani well known as Kiara Advani, bollywood actress performed in Hindi and Telugu films. With her film debut in 2014 poorly received comedy Fugly, Advani achieved commercial success with the 2016 sports biopic M.S. Dhoni: […]
Tag: session
Narendra Modi along with BJP MPs to be on fast on April 12
Narendra Modi along with BJP MPs to be on fast on April 12 It was announced Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani to fast along with cabinet ministers on April 12, he will join Prime Minister Narendra Modi. PM Modi is observing a day-long fast on Thursday along with all BJP Bharatiya Janta Party MPs in […]
Gujarat Assembly Speaker puts limit of 3 unstarred questions per week during Session
Gujarat Assembly Speaker puts limit of 3 unstarred questions per week during Session Rajendra Trivedi Gujarat Assembly Speaker has restricted MLAs from submitting more than 3 ‘unstarred’ questions per week between two Assembly sessions. Today Opposition Congress raised strong objection to the issue, calling it an attempt to restrict legislators’ rights. As per the order, […]
Internal fight between Congress BJP MLAs in Gujarat Assembly session
Internal fight between Congress BJP MLAs in Gujarat Assembly session Today in Gandhinagar, in Gujarat Assembly session BJP Bharatiya Janta Party MLAs had internal conflict. Congress MLA Pratap Dhudhat and Jagdish Panchal fight with each other in Assembly session. It is also learnt that Vikram Maadam broke mike in Assembly. MLA Amrish Der intervened that […]
Monsoon Session: Washout in Parliament on first working day
Monsoon Session: Washout in Parliament on first working day The Monsoon session of Parliament had a stormy start, with the opposition forcing a washout today by creating pandemonium over various issues and an angry BSP chief Mayawati threatening to resign from the Rajya Sabha for not being allowed to speak on the dalit issue. Members […]