Today School bus was swept away in flowing rainwater in Jamnagar’s Kalavad. All passengers including students, teacher and driver were rescued safely. There is a comprehensive rain in Saurashtra since last 2 days. Rescue operation was carried out by locals and Fire Brigade. Local people immediately rushed to the spot. The incident happened when school […]
Tag: safely
Indian Airforce Helicopters Airlift 24 Stranded Villagers safely in Navsari
Today in Navsari, Indian Airforce Helicopters Airlift 24 Stranded Villagers Safely from flood hit river. In Bhatha village of Gandevi 24 people were rescued in IAF helicopters out of 29 people stranded in river water. Labourers from Odisha were stuck up in river water. They were safely airlifted by team of IAF. After Vadodara, now […]