Bollywood actor Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill are all set to be seen another music video together. Titled ‘Shona Shona‘, the Bigg Boss 13 inmates and famous pair will be showing off their dancing skills in the new track which is set to be unveiled on November 25, 2020. A while back, Shehnaaz took to […]
Tag: new album
Nora Fatehi exquisite pose for her fans
Bollywood’s hottest beauty Noriana aka Nora Fatehi spotted in a red T shirt , cap and glasses in a sexy pose. Nora’s fan eager to grab her hot pic at launch of Pepeta album. Nora Fatehi a Canadian dancer, model, actress and singer who has mainly appeared in Hindi films. She has also starred in Malayalam and Telugu films. She comes from a Moroccan Canadian family, […]
Darshan Raval launches Do Din new album after success of CHHOGADA TARA..
Today on 22nd October, Boolywood’s versatile singer and music composer Darshan Raval launched his solo new album Do Din. This Song of album is Written by Kunaal Vermaa and composed by Darshan Raval himself, Denny Thakrar , the song will be shot in Mumbai’s iconic Liberty theatre. Speaking on the occasion Darshan says I can’t […]