Bollywood stars Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra are all preparing tie the knot of love and togetherness amid the presence of loved ones in Rajasthan. The venue is decortaed and guests have arrived for wedding celebration. Kiara’s brother, Mishaal Advani, who is a singer and music producer, will be presenting a special song for the […]
Tag: mehendi
No phone restrictions in Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha marriage
Bollywood star couple Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha decided that the guests should carry their phones with them at their wedding as they want the mood of the functions to be fun. While no restriction has been kept on carrying phones, the couple has requested the guests to ditch their phones to have a great […]
Ankita Lokhande and her husband Vicky Jain made public appearance after wedding
Television star Ankita Lokhande and her husband Vicky Jain made their first appearance after getting married earlier this week. The newly wedded couple were photographed outside Vicky’s Mumbai residence. Ankita, 36, looked very pretty in a saree. The couple exited a swanky car and posed together for the waiting paparazzi. Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain […]