Gujarat High Court on Friday held that a woman can lodge a complaint alleging cruelty under IPC Indian Penal Code Section 498A when married not after divorce. HC clarified that after divorce, 498A cannot be charged. Gujarat High Court disposed of the wife’s application. Decision of Gujarat High Court will affect many cases. As per […]
Tag: indian penal code
Suspected conman Kiran Patel fake PMO official in Ahmedabad Metro Court
Suspected conman Kiran Patel was brought to Ahmedabad Crime branch from Jammu and Kashmir on April 07. He obtained government security by falsely identifying as a PMO official in Jammu and Kashmir. Patel was handed over to Gujarat Police late Thursday afternoon after its request for his custody was granted by the court of the […]
Surat rapist of minor girl of Pandesara gets death penalty
Surat : Accused Guddu Yadav Convicted and Sentenced to Death, under the rarest of rare cases in Pandesara, who abducted a 2.5 years old girl, raped , killed her and dumped her dead body in the forest. Victim Girl was strangulated to death after rape by the accused, which was confirmed in post mortem report. […]