India wide racket of uploading videos of pregnant patients’ treatment and examinations on YouTube and Telegram channels for profit has come to surface. shockingly videos were found on social media from Payal Maternity Home & Surgical Hospital near Raiya Circle in Rajkot. After complaint, the Ahmedabad Cyber Crime Police team raided the hospital in Rajkot […]
Tag: expose
Yet another episode of Principal molesting multiple students in Patan
Harij, Patan: Dust on Dahod student rape and murder by Principal himself has hardly settled, there is yet another heinous allegation of Pravin Patel Principal of Dunavada Primary School in Patan has come to light. Principal has been accused of molesting several small girls/students. Patel also threatened small girls to fail them in exam, if […]
UNESCO recognized Garba of Gujarat recognized as “Intangible Cultural Heritage” of India
A moment of joy and pride for entire India including Gujarat. As Gujarat’s pride and cultural heritage Garba, was awarded a certificate by UNESCO declaring it an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’.The honor was announced to Garba on 6 December 2023 by UNESCO. On 22 March 2024 Director General of UNESCO Mrs. Audrey Azole formally presented the […]