In a major milestone for India’s Moon mission, the Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft successfully entered the lunar orbit on Tuesday. Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI) maneuver was completed successfully at 0902 hours as planned, using the onboard propulsion system, the Bengaluru headquartered space agency said in a statement. “The duration of maneuver was 1,738 seconds. With this, Chandrayaan-2 […]
Tag: enters
Ahmedabad: GISF Jawans’ hunger strike enters Day 6
Ahmedabad: GISF Jawans’ hunger strike enters Day 6 Today in Ahmedabad, GISF Jawans’ hunger strike enters Day 6. One GISF staff Amitsinh Parmar was hospitalized as his health deteriorated. The strike was held at Girdharnagar compound. GISF Jawans are employed at ports, Government colleges and government premises for security of government property. The Jawans on […]