In Bihar, Death toll has gone to 69 due to AES Acute Encephalitis Syndrome in Muzaffarpur today. 58 persons including 12 kids died in brain fever at Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital and 11 at Kejriwal Hospital. The decease is spread to new victims. Health authorities of state are on run. Center deploys health […]
Tag: death toll
Lady died of Swineflu in Rajkot; total death toll reached 41
Today in Rajkot, one 30-years old lady from Morbi died of swineflu. 4 patients are taking treatment. Total death toll reached 41. Menace of swineflu continues in Saurashtra. 155 positive cases were registered till the date. As per media source.
Gujarat Swine Flu death toll reached 22 in 34 days
Swine flu menace continues in Gujarat. Health department and different teams are on run. In Gujarat, One more person dies from Swine Flu as total deaths reach to 22 in last 34 days in state. Total 879 people got the infection in state since 1st Sep. Maximum11 deaths are reported in Ahmedabad during this period.