In a big relief, Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel’s 37 years old son Anuj Patel, who suffered a brain stroke on April 30, has been taken off the ventilator. He is out of the coma, as per the health bulletin issued by PD Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai Monday. “He communicates, is out of coma, and […]
Tag: coma
Bollywood actor and comedian Raju Srivastava died at 58 after heart attack
Bollywood actor and renowned comedian Raju Srivastava, who suffered a heart attack while working out at the gym on August 10, is no more. The comedian passed away today, September 21, after a long fight. Raju Srivastava’s family members – his wife, son and daughter – are currently at AIIMS. The family will decide now […]