Swine flu death toll 138 in Gujarat in 2017, Vijay Rupani holds meeting
Yesterday in Gandhinagar, Gujarat Health Minister Shanker Chaudhary has tried to spread awareness through a press conference on how to combat with spread of swine flu.

For swine flu control service of 104 will be launched and it will coordinate with 108 Ambulance. Also, a team of 5,000 doctors and 40,000 Asha workers will be deployed in the state.
Till now in the state, 1,344 swine flu cases were registered, out of which 466 have been cured and death toll is 138.
There are cases of swine flu in Saurashtra and Kutch. 680 patients are under isolation ward.
In Ahmedabad, there are 46 swine flu patients. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani talked to Ahmedabad Collector and Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner through Video Conference. More than 1,300 Asha Workers have started surveying for symptoms of swine flu by door-to-door visit.
Gujarat Health department goofs up by prescribing Tamiflu in swine flu treatment
After menace of swine flu in Gujarat, particularly in Rajkot and Ahmedabad, health department has become alert and on run to curb the spread of epidemic-like situation. Post floods in Banaskantha and Saurashtra health department of Gujarat government has created a major goof-up by prescribing Tamiflu’ medicine for cure of swine flu. It is noteworthy that Tamilfu is common medicine which can be taken without doctor’s prescription.
On Friday, Gujarat government’s health department issued a press release, through information department, with misleading information about Tamiflu medicine in the public domain. The false information is enough to create major havoc in an epidemic-like situation in swine flu affected state. Till now 1,214 registered swine flu cases in Gujarat and death toll has reached 160.
Health team visited with a 10-member team at Rajkot to take the stock of swine flu situation in Saurashtra region.
According to medical experts, Tamiflu cannot be taken without prescription of a doctor.
As per Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, Tamiflu cannot be taken without doctor’s prescription.
Rajkot: 238 swine flu Positive cases registered and Death toll 49
In Rajkot, from January to till now, 238 swine flu Positive cases were registered and Death toll reached 49. Till now 65 patients are under treatment Gujarat.
More than 1000 positive cases were reported and 150 died due to swine flu in Gujarat.
In Sabarkantha, 7 years old boy was tested swine flu positive in Prantij. He was admitted to civil hospital in Ahmedabad.
50 years old lady died due to swine flu of Jasdan.
Rajkot: 25 years old lady died of swine flu, death toll reaches to 46
Today in Rajkot, with death of one 25 years old lady of swineflu in a Private hospital, death toll reaches to 46.
In 5 days 3 persons died of Swine Flu in Rajkot. Total 195 positive cases were registered till now.
On the situation health department said that swine flu bacteria has changed its symptoms and we are trying to give as much awareness as possible. Still there is some lack of awareness among people. The decease is prominent in olderly people and kids.
Recently one 65 year old lady died in Rajkot Civil Pandit Dindayal Hospital.
Whenever, we get to know about such type of case we try to give vaccine to the patient and even distribute medicine free of cost to them added heath authorities.
Health department of RMC Rajkot Municipal Corporation was run after spread of the decease.