Karishma Kapoor’s Husband Sunjay Kapur had filed a fresh divorce petition, through lawyers Aman and Priya Hingorani, in December. He alleges that the Bollywood star did not comply with consent terms of their separation, and has “extracted” substantial amount of money from him.
However, sorces suggests that the Delhi-based industrialist has claimed in a fresh divorce petition filed in the Bandra family court that Karisma had married him for his money. According to his claim, “Actor Karisma Kapoor married Sunjay Kapur for his money and ‘in a calculated and clinical manner’, sponged off his family to pursue a lavish lifestyle.” The petition suggests that Karisma married Sunjay on the rebound in 2003 after her break-up with Abhishek Bachchan, and portrays her as the culprit in the troubled 11-year-long marriage with Sunjay.”The respondent [Karisma] has failed not only as a wife and daughter-in-law, but also as a mother,” it states.
Sunjay has also claimed that Karisma used the young kids as “pawns” and didn’t let the Kapur family meet them frequently in her bid to claim more money. She even “cruelly deprived” Sunjay’s ailing father access to Samaira and Kiaan, and he passed away after pining for them for six months. The businessman, who heads Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, has also claimed that Karisma chose her career over him and stayed in Mumbai despite his pleading for her to join him in Delhi.