Recently Gujarat Congress leader Shankersinh Vaghela held a press conference and slammed BJP Bharatiya Janta Party government for comprehensive corruption.
Vaghela said from 2002, Gujarat has become hub of corruption whether it was Vibrant, petrochemicals or automobiles, case of alloting land to Tata for Nano project. Through means of GSPC Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation a planned delusion of a story that from KG basin (Krishna Godavari basin)in next 10 years will get ample of gas explored which will make our country self reliant in terms of energy.
Vaghela added Gujarat on present day is full of corruption.
We will provide more details Corruption in Gujarat on case by case on August 22 during another press briefing at GPCC office in Ahmedabad under leadership of Gujarat Congress President Bharatsinh Solanki. On August 22, Congress General Secretary Gurudas Kamat will also be present in addition to other partymen.