Mithun Chakraborty’s son Namashi all set to make his debut in the film industry with Rajkumar Santoshi’s Bad Boy. Mithun Chakraborty’s friend Salman Khan revealed the poster of Bad Boy on social media on Saturday and gave a big shout out to Namashi. He wrote on his tweeter handle: “All the very best, Namashi for #BadBoy. Poster lajawaab!” The vibrant poster of Bad Boy also features debutant Amrin Qureshi, whose father Sajid Qureshi is the producer of the film.
All d vry best Namashi for #BadBoy. Poster lajawaab!@amrinqureshi99 @namashi_1 @khanwacky @InboxPictures @Penmovies @BadBoy_Film #jayantilalgada #sajidqureshi #rajkumarsantoshi #himeshreshammiya #amrin #namashichakraborty
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) May 23, 2020