Sahiyaru Day Care Home for Senior Citizens (First ever experiment in Gujarat) is coming up soon. Sahiyaru Abhiyan Charity SAC has been actively providing the help to the economically weaker section of the members of the society for the last Eight Years and doing the various social activities, useful to the needy.
On inspiring the aforesaid activities, we heartily Thank You all the domestic and foreigner, as well. Organisation who support us to make this activity successful. SAC, this year, proceeding to add an extra ordinary service oriented activity, useful to the senior members of the society.
With the objective of providing the best available education to the children, parents use to send the children Out of town or abroad. Children tend to get settled in the same city/Country, wherefrom they graduated, and start the professional carrier. Under the circumstances, parents of such children get disappointed.
They tend to get weaker by Age-Health or otherwise, as they may turned out to be over 55 Yrs of age. Under such scenario, if they get a chance under the single roof to express the thought process and accompanied by such other parents during 9.00 am to 07.00 pm, everyday, SAC believes that, they would get back the pink days in their life once again.

Taking in to consideration the aforesaid matters, the SAC Plan to establish “SAHIYARU” in 126000 square feet near Ahmadabad, where-
- Vey big lavish green garden
- Temples
- Yog/Light Exercise place
- Medical camp (free of cost) / doctor-on-call/Ambulance/Etc.
- A huge hall for entertainment programmes
- Cab-on-call
- Guest House ( to welcome guests for 3days )’
- Breakfast-Tea-Lunch-Snacks facility at a decent Cafeteria With a view to circulate our objective in mass, we have conducted the RAM-KATHA , which will start from 28-December-2018.
It was explained by Respected Guruji Shree Bhupendrabhai Pandya. We may have the attendance of at least 50 foreigners to gain the knowledge of RAM-KATHA.