In a matter of proud for Gujarat and Gujarati girls, Gujarat Police’s ATS Anti Terror Squad team consisting of all young girls arrest hardcore wanted criminal Allarakha Jusab, hailing from Junagadh involved in several offences of extortion and murder.
Gujarat ATS team comprised of PSI Police Sub Inspector Santok Odedara, PSI Nitmika Gohil, PSI Aruna Gameti and PSI Simmy Mal.
A press conference by PSI Simmy Mal was addressed to media. Briefing about the entire episode PSI Simmy said that previous day night we got an information from one our colleague Jitendra Agrawat, who firmly told that Jusab has been hiding in jungle of Botad district in Dev Dhari village and we have to rush to arrest him. ATS has been tracing Jusab for past 3 months. He had become headache for local police. We all were excited to join for such an important mission. Jusab was hiding in a jungle surrounded by hills and the land was uneven of the village. We had gone in the night and stayed there till early morning to arrest Jusab added officer Simmy. Jusab was arrested early in the morning between 4:30 to 5:00 am before he could get up or counter attack on us.
We were equipped with AK 47 and service revolver as Jusab is of the habit of assaulting police, in past he has attacked police. It was difficult to go with vehicle was Jusab was staying said officer.
Jusab is involved in 4 murder case and loot, extortion cases.
This was first operation performed by lady officers of Gujarat ATS team and unique of its kind.
Jusab was arrested from interior areas of Botad district of Saurashttra region.
It sounds amazing and interesting that even sober looking girls can perform challenging operation of arresting hardcore criminal indulged in multiple murder case.
The real news, firstly sounds to be like a fairy tale.
In Ahmedabad, during an exclusive interview to GujaratHeadline, Police Officer Simmy Mal said police department does not discriminate between gender. We are given all kinds of training equipment and self defense given to other officers. This is a good department.