Food product pasta of Nestle is in news after row over Maggi noodles, Nestle’s pasta has been found to contain lead several times the permissible limit by a Uttar Pradesh laboratory. From a sample sent on Sep 2 by the UP Food and Drug Administration (UPFDA) unit to the National Food Analysis Laboratory, Lucknow, was found to contain lead content more than permissible limits, government officials said. Pasta samples collected from a Nestle distributor in Mau on June 10 were sent to the laboratory in Lucknow, said Arvind Yadav, designated officer, Food and Drug Administration, Mau. The Mau district magistrate has ordered local distributors to stop the sale of ‘Maggi Pazzta’ and withdraw the stock from the market. The standard limit is 2.5 PPM (parts per million) while it was found to be 6 PPM.This article is published as per sources.