Finally an innocent 10-years-old minor girl from Jharkhand, who fell prey to a perverted rapist named Vijay Paswan in a fight at Jhagadia of Bharuch. Victim minor girl has last breathed during treatment. Similar to Nirbhaya gang rape case of Delhi, this rapist committed a brutal and heinous crime against the girl. The way Nirbhaya girl after gang rape received sever injury from rapist as he inserted a rod in her vegina which caused terrible internal injury to the girl. Internal injury led to spreading infection throughout the body. Later the girl was shifted for treatment to the SSG hospital in Vadodara.
From December 16 to December 23, the girl struggled with her pain. Horrible incident scared the girl to such an extent and her brain was so badly affected that not even utter a single word and she went into shock. Team of doctors at SSG Hospital continuously monitored and treated the girl. 3 units of blood were also transfused to the girl in 2 days. But the situation had become so critical that since yesterday the girl was not giving any response to medicine or treatment. Even after the operation and other treatments, the infection remained in the girl’s body. A team of more than 10 doctors from SSG attended to the girl but her condition was extremely critical and her Blood Pressure was also constantly fluctuating.
Finally, the girl lost battle on life and breathed her last on the hospital bed. On December 16, the girl was brutally raped. After which he was shifted to Bharuch hospital for treatment. However, he was referred to Vadodara SSG Hospital as the condition worsened. After complaint of fom mother of victim girl, the police formed a team of 6 people and conducted an rigoruos investigation and on December 17, the police arrested rapist Vijay Paswan. The accused was on the verge of fleeing to Jharkhand. However, the police had already arrested him. The accused was working as a Helper of Thermax Company. He lived near to the girl and also knew the girl’s parents. Girl’s parents also came to Gujarat from Jharkhand. This is the 2nd time this rapist has committed a crime on this child of labor family. However, for the 1st time, his parents did not file a complaint fearing defamation of girl. Due to this, courage of rapist increased and raped the girl for the second time. He was not only raped but crossed all limits of barbarism.