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New Delhi railway station bomb threat, trains resume after clearance

Several trains were delayed and some were diverted after a bomb scare at New Delhi Railway station on Sunday morning. Later the threat was found to be a hoax. Lucknow-Shatabdi Express, which was halted at Ghaziabad station, was allowed to leave after a proper check.

“Lucknow Shatabdi Express was halted and evacuated at Ghaziabad railway station after bomb scare this morning,” said Neeraj Sharma, CPRO, Northern Railway.

“Nothing found during search,we got clearance at 7:40 am and the train was allowed to leave at 7:42 am,” added Neeraj Sharma.

According to reports, the Railway Board was informed by Mumbai ATS after latter received an e-mail threatening of bomb blast on Delhi-Kanpur train.

Several Kanpur-bound trains were evacuated and checked at New Delhi and neighbouring stations. Lucknow Shatabdi Express was evacuated at Ghaziabad.