With announcement of sharp hike in rail fare of 14% in passenger fare effective from June 25. Now, most sufferer group is Mumbai’s daily commuters. There are nearly 2 crore commuters with a rail network of western,central and harbour lines on an average 75 lakhs commuters a day. As per the revised fares, effective June 25, a Rs 85 monthly season ticket (II Class) will now cost Rs 150, while a Rs 190 monthly pass will be priced at Rs 480. Similarly, the monthly season pass of Rs 795 for the first class has been revised to Rs 1,930. Likewise, a first class commuter with a monthly pass of Rs 1,740 will now have to shell out Rs 2,120 more for the same journey.”Second class monthly season ticket fares shall be charged on the basis of 30 single journeys instead of around 15 single journeys charged currently,” the Railways said in a statement.
Shivsena,supremo Uddhav has requested to roll back rail fare hike. A meeting between Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda, Maharastra MPs to relook at the rail fare issue and a mandate by NDA governement. Modi government is mounted with either request to roll back rail fare.