Gujarat government has not yet decided whether 144th Rath yatra of Lord Jagannath will be taken out due to Corona pandemic. However, Jal Yatra will be held on Thursday before the rath yatra. Water will be brought to the temple in 108 pots from the bank of Somnath Bhudar of Sabarmati river and anointing of God will be done with it. Jal Yatra will take place around 9.30 am. Gujarat Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel and Home Minister Pradipsinh Jadeja will be present in the procession.

Mahant of the temple said that procession will be held on full moon day of Poonam in the month of Jeth before procession. God is anointed by bringing water from river Ganga.
Tomorrow, on full moon day, 108 pots will be filled with river water and brought to the temple. God will be anointed later. God will be clothed. In the afternoon Lord will go to Maternal uncle’s house. Less than 50 people will attend ceremony in compliance with Corona virus guidelines. Only mahants and trustees of the temple will attend the cermony. On banks of river Sabarmati, water is brought to the temple by filling the kalash from the edge of Somnath Bhudar. Every year 108 pots are filled with water at the time of yatra, but due to Corona pandemic the yatra will be held with less people and devotees. Preparations for yatra to the temple have been started.
It is not yet decided whether 144th Rathyatra of lord will be held or not.