Article by Hiral Vilas Today, Bollywood actor Jiah Khan’s mother, assured the Bombay High Court that she would not make damaging statements on Sooraj Pancholi and Aditya Pancholi or Zarina Wahab. She complained of her Twitter account being hacked several times in the past, Rabiya’s lawyer during the hearing of defamation suit filed by Pancholis […]
Today in Gandhinagar, Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani visited Swaminarayan Mandir Vasna Sanstha at Yuva Adhiveshan. CM Rupani said Youth is an ambassador to carry forward legacy of our ancient past and glory during his occasional speech. Rupani added what is necessary to make him aware of his responsibilities. CM added that our government is […]
Today, in a dance reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 7’s Grand Finale contest in Mumbai , Ashish Sharma, TV actor was declared a winner. Ashish’s dance was chreographed by Shampa. Finale’s result was announced by director Karan Johar.