In Covid-19 outbreak case history, Out of 112 Covid deaths in Gujarat, 45.5% had multiple co-morbidity, 38.4% had one co-morbidity, 8.9% had risk factor but no co-morbidity and 7% had no risk factor, no co-morbidity, said Jayanti Ravi health officer of Gujarat government.
In state 3.8 % people those who were healthy died of Covid-19 added Dr Ravi.
We are increasing the testing capacity in Gujarat . With private labs and one more government lab at Gandhinagar, the capacity increased. Testing level in the state satisfactory, said Dr Jayanti Ravi. Daily capacity is to conduct 3,000 tests through 15 government and 4 private laboratories, with testing results being obtained in a day . More testing conducted in Hotspot cities of state.
Till 1st April 100 tests were conducted which was augmented to 2963 by 23rd April. Based on Gujarat CM suggestion a strategy was worked out and From all districts 100 samples were collected and 4212 tests were done.
ICMR Indian Cuncil of Medical Research has setup one more laboratory at Gandhinagar Medical college. To identify primary symptoms of Covid-19 Rapid Antibody Testing Kits were also widely used and the facility is made available to 30 districts in the state. 24,000 such kits by central government has been provided to Gujarat.
In 30 districts, we have started Rapid Antibody Testing (RAT) from today. It’s not conclusive and primarily for the surveillance purpose.
In Vadodara, 3 Army jawans were also Covid-19 infected, 28 persons who came in their contact were also quarantined.70 frontline warriors tested positive for Covid-19 till the day. 151 new Coronavirus positive cases reported in Ahmedabad in last 24 hours. 475 patients under treatment at SVP Hospital in Ahmedabad city.
AMC Ahmedabad Municipal Corpration launches ‘Save Our Seniors’ campaign for elderly people.

With 3 more cases in Anand, Coronavirus figure becomes 41 in Anand.
Surendranagar in Gujarat becomes 30th district to report its first Covid-19 positive case.In Thangadh, 61 years old person tested Coronavirus positive, he had a travel history.
Gujarat overtakes Delhi, now has 2nd highest cases after Maharashtra.