Gujarat chief minister Anandiben Patel may step down, if sources in the state BJP are to be believed. Today Anandiben Patel had met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on the sidelines of a meeting to discuss the drought situation in the Gujarat. Her decision to cancel all her scheduled programmes over the next 3 days has strongly supported rumours that she may go out of important post in the state. CM kept away attending the co-ordination meeting of the Gujarat MPs at the party headquarters in Kamalam even though she had returned to Gandhinagar by noon. Though the state BJP is officially denying the change, top leaders have already said that the decision about her replacement will be taken during this week. However Gujarat BJP spokesperson claimed that called these news as rumours. There will be no change in the leadership. Speculations over her successor have already started.
Senior minister Nitin Patel, Vijay Rupani, party president, Purshotam Rupala , national vice-president, Bhikhu Dalsaniya senior-most party general secretary are in the race.