The result of standard 12 general stream will be announced tomorrow. The results will be declared on July 31, tomorrow at 8 am. The result will be published on Gujarat Board’s website at Schools will have to download the result of their school and give a copy of the mark sheet to students and report their result. 100 % result of science stream. The result of one lakh seven thousand regular students of standard 12 science was announced after announcement of mass promotion due to Coronavirus pandemic. Only schools will be able to see announced result based on their index number. Whereas students will not be able to see their result directly. Result of total 1,07,264 students in science stream has been declared.
For the first time in the history of board, 100 %t result has been declared. In the result announced today, 3245 students got A1 grade whereas 15284 students got A2 grade. 24,757 students got B1 grade. 26,831 students got B2 grade. The number of students getting C1 grade is 22,174. Number of students getting C2 grade is 12,071. Whereas 2609 got D grade, 289 students got E1 grade and 4 students got E2 grade.

In Group A, 466 students got more than 99 % marks. In Group B, 657 students got more than 99 % marks. 109 students in Ahmedabad city and 73 students in rural Ahmedabad got A1 grade. As per declared result, mass promotion will not be mentioned in the marksheet. Students will be given only traditional marksheet. Currently only schools will be able to see their results. Schools will inform result to the students.
For the first time in the history of the board, more than 8 lakh 57 thousand regular students have passed this year. 3 lakh 76 thousand more students have passed since last year. This year more than 17 thousand students have got A-1 grade. The result of Std. 10 has been prepared by the schools by calculating total marks on the basis of Std. 9 first session and second session examination as well as Std. 10 first session examination and unit tests.