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GrOath – A structured & hybrid meeting ideology launched to redefine business networking

Press Release

Budding Entrepreneurs and Successful Business Honchos take an Oath to Grow & Drive businesses in a Strategic, Systematic and result oriented bonding format

19th July, 2024, Ahmedabad, Gujarat:In today’s modern world, Business Networking has a huge scope to drive businesses. With Ahmedabad being the commercial capital of our state & the biggest contributor in Gujarat’s GDP, it has huge growing demand of business networking. But the demand has to be correctly catered with a well-structured networking format.

That’s where GrOath an ideology, a brainchild of Ms. Ruchi Shah & promoted by Kunvarji Group comes in to meet the networking needs of Ahmedabad business leaders with strategies like minimalist meetings, maximum networking and bonding time, hybrid meeting formats, Business Pod cast and reserved business categories. As an organisation, team GrOath is proud to share that strong and brilliant minds have joined hands to form its core team and be the GrOath faces. Led by Ms. Ruchi Shah as the core founder, Ms BhumiChoksi as Director, Mrs RachanaTated and Ms RasshmiChhajjer as founder member, Mr Hardik Shah and Mr Jay Deliwalaas presidentsfor morning and evening chapters, these five faces would be the major contributor at GrOath.

Sharing more information about the ideology of GrOath, Ms. Ruchi Shah, founder, shares, “Cluster meets is our key highlight At GrOath the meetings are designed strategically.To provide maximum networking time to our members in a minimum number of meetings, we have designed once a month meet format. Our chapter comprises of 49 exclusive business categories members. They meet each other in a hybrid meeting format. Our annual membership offers them 12 mandatory meetings out of which, 8 are cluster meets and 4 mega meets. We do have optional meetings that will be 4 in a year. Thus in a tenure, there will be 16 meetings.”

Founder Members Mrs RachanaTated& Ms RasshmiChhajjer added further, “Our cluster meets are strategically designed in a waythat all 49 members meet each other in a format of 7 members. They get good 15 minutes of time to promote their business in cluster meet. Every month, these members keep shuffling. This ensures that there is no repetitive member in any of the cluster meet. Business and references can happen wonderfully when you gain trust.  Since there will no repetition of members in any cluster meet, they find the newness to talk about their business with each other. At the end of 8 cluster meets in 8 months, every member of the chapter would have known and bonded with other 48 members of his chapter in a detailed way.”

Director Ms BhumiChoksi shared, “As entrepreneurs or business owners, we are already struggling to achieve our own business targets. Yes, we do acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of our members to give and refer business to each other but there is not guaranteed commitments at GrOath. We believe that once you bond with a member properly, you will start referring them into your direct or indirect contact sphere. The push at GrOath is new connections in every cluster meet. Also to reach strongly at the outside community, we do Business Podcast of our members. A class apart podcast that makes you stand out from the crowd.”

GrOath is proud to share that our launch offer has gained lot of attraction from established Ahmedabad business community. At present, we stand at a strength of 50+ different business categories and now only few seats are left.We run two chapters simultaneously. Morning and Evening chapter. Members chose their chapter according to their time preference. Yes, we aim to reach to tier 1 and tier 2 cities next year. For our first two chapters offer, we are providing all meetings plus business podcast, workplace videography and professional photoshoot at Rs 32000.

Mr Hardik Shah and Mr Jay Deliwala- Presidents for morning and evening chapters respectively shared, “GrOath focuses on Business Networking. We aim to offer a cohesive development to our community members with regard to their business. But we are not into socialising events. GrOath has an Oath to Grow our member’s business, networking sphere and knowledge. Alongwith that we have an Oath to grow our chapters without diluting our core essence. We aim to have a strength of 4 chapters running simultaneously in a year.”

“We here by announce to offer membership for 3rd and 4th chapter. In the near future, we also aim to reach to other cities, starting with our own state and then in other states,” added Ms. Ruchi further.

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