As per wind speed and weather prediction this time wind will be good duirng Uttarayan so kite enthusiasts will have fun. On the other hand, people going to markets to buy Kites and Manjas are having a bitter experience.
Kite enthusiasts are feeling happy that wind speed will be good in Uttarayana this year. Uttarayana has the windiest climate as the weather is essential for kite flying. After the Meteorological Department, weather experts have also expressed the possibility of good winds over Uttarayan and Vasi Uttarayan.
As per Meteorological Department on January 14 and 15, the wind speed will blow at a speed of 20 to 25 kms per hour, apart from this, it may increase to a speed of 30 kms per hour at some times. That means kite enthusiasts will not have to hurt their shoulders and arms by flying.
Kite enthusiasts are in good mood as the winds are forecast to be good in Uttarayan this time, but those who went to the market with the idea of last-minute purchases of Kites and Manjas are facing price hike. Usually Kite lovers go to markets in Ahmedabad believing that Uttarayan can be bought cheaply at the last minute, but this time kite lovers are in shock as price hike is skyrocketing.

20 to 25 percent hike in prices of kites and strings. People are ready to enjoy Uttarayan freely this time but they are facing price hike. This time prices of Kites and Manjas have increased by 20 to 30 percent compared to previous years. Due to the increase in prices, demand has decreased by 70 %. Manja business is suffering due to inflation.