Published by Darshana Jamindar
Yesterday BJP MLA Kesrisinh Solanki of Matar has been caught gambling at Jimira Resort near Shivrajpur in Panchmahal district; 18 others arrested including 7 ladies. Four Nepali ladies were arrested by police.

News of Kesrisinh caught gambling has created sensation in political group.
While defending himself Kesrisinh said I never drink, I had gone there to go to temple. However he was released on bail.

Gujarat party president CR Patil has ordered enquiry against Kesrisinh after the incident.
The raid at Jimira resort was conducted by ICB. Nine Wine bottles , 8 vehicles worth Rs 3.80 lakhs valuables seized from the resort. Gambling was done in Filmi Casino style with plastic coins and operated by girls with serving of wine.