Flood like situation in Jamnagar region. Rain conditions as on 10 a.m. The highest rainfall of 15 inches received in Kalawad. Entire Kalawad is waterlogged. Dhrol received an average of 6.5 inches of rain. Jodiya received an average 5.5 inches of rain. Since last night 22inches of heavy downpour has lashed in jamnagar.

Average rainfall in Jamnagar city is 3.5 inches. Jamjodhpur received an average rainfall of 2.5 inches. Heavy rains poured in last 48 hours.High alert issued by local district administration.
Massive rain batters Jamnagar. Residents of Banga village being evacuated by IAF helicopter. Relief material provided to people stranded in flood.Massive rainfall throws normal life out of gear in Jamnagar.
Six NDRF National Disaster Response Force team has been deployed in Jamanagar at Kalavadi River, in Panjentan Nagar. 31 people were recsued by them including 13 male,11 female and 7 Children.