dahej big fire
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Five killed in big fire at Chemical factory in Dahej

Today afternoon eight people were killed in an incident of big fire in Dahej. Fire with big blast was reported in Yashashvi Chemical, SO2 chemical factory at Bharuch. Health and Safety department of Bharuch district has given closure notice to the company.

There was no ambulance in the company. 52 workers were burnt in a major accident.

Dead bodies were found after controlling massive fire after lot of efforts. Six workers of factory died on the spot and 2 died during treatment. Wounded workers were admitted to private hospital in Bharuch. Many workers are serious in the tragic incident.
Entire area of Yashshvi chemical was cordoned off. 
Ten Fire fighters rush at the site.

Fire was so massive that flames could be seen from kilometers away.


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#Gujarat #Surat #Dahej factory on fire दहेज :रासायनिक फेक्ट्री में ब्लास्ट। आग की लपटें और धुंआ दूर दूर से दिखाई देने लगा।दमकल कर्मी मौके पर।टैंक में ब्लास्ट होने की प्राथमिक जानकारी। कुछ लोग जख्मी होने की जानकारी। દહેજ ની યશસ્વી રસાયણના SO2 પ્લાન્ટમાં બ્લાસ્ટનો મામલો 5 કામદારોના મૃત્યુ, 4 કામદારો ગંભીર રીતે દાઝ્યા 30થી વધુ લોકો હોસ્પિટલમાં સારવાર હેઠળ વિવિધ કંપનીના ફાયર ટેન્ડરોએ આગ પર કાબૂ મેળ્યો પ્લાન્ટમાં કૂલિંગની પ્રક્રિયા ચાલુ આસપાસના 3 જેટલા ગામોને ખાલી કરાયા

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Congress MP Ahmed Patel from Bharuch sharply reacted on the tragedy through his twitter handle.