Star cast of upcoming Gujarati film RAADO including Yash Soni, Hitu Kanodia, Hiten Kumar, Bharat Chawda, Niilam Paanchal, Devarshi Shah, Chetan Daiya & Tarjanee Bhadla and Harley gang.
RAADO is a big budget Gujarati film made with a budget of Rs 15 crores. The movie is scheduled to be released on 22 July 2022. The movie is directed and written by Krishnadev Yagnik. Gujarat riots and bike stunts will be special in the film.
Krishnadev Yagnik, film director said that this type of movie has not been made before and will note be made in future. The movie with full of Action and Stunts. The film “Raado” is produced by Munna Shukul and Jayesh Patel and co-produced by Nilay Chotai, Mit Chotai & Mehul Panchal.
Upcoming Gujarati film ‘Raado’ is coming soon and this film is full of power packed action, stunts. All the star cast of the film came together today and promoted it in a unique way. It is a combined action, thriller, politics, rhetorism are shown in the film. At the same time, a biker gang like actor Yash Soni, who did bike stunts in the film, has performed stunts. All the star cast of ‘Raado’ like Hitu Kanodia, Hiten Kumar, lead actor Yash Soni all talked to the media and informed them what is special about the film than other Gujarati films.
Music of the film is given by Rahul Munjaria.
In Gujarati film, senior actor and Gujarat MLA Hitu Kanodia, while sharing his experiences about the film, said that the times of Gujarati film industry have changed now, these film industries are now becoming independent and there will come a time when Gujarati films made in other languages. It will be released and the whole world will watch Gujarati films. He added that there was a time when Gujarati films were seen only by villagers but now people of city have also turned to Gujarati films and they are also eagerly waiting it. Once after watching a Gujarati film, no one watched them again, Now viewers will choose to watch the film again and again. This film will inspire the youth and the society to do something different.
On 10th July 2022 , Sunday morning Biker gang performed amazing stunts at Kantam Party Plot, off Sindhubhvan road (SBR) in Ahmedabad city.
Hitu Kanodia, Hiten Kumar , Yash Soni and other star cast of the movie attended bike stunt show and raised morale of the bikers. Star cast interacted with the news media.