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Emergency cases on rise due to heat wave in Gujarat

Due to heatwave, emergency cases increased in Gujarat recently. 1030 cases have been reported in the state during May 16 to 24. Till now 803 cases of fever and 80 cases of heat stroke have been reported. 230 cases have been reported due to heat on Friday.

Out of 230 cases, 168 cases of fever and 28 cases of heatstroke have been reported by health authorities. 325 cases have been reported in Ahmedabad during May 16 to 24. Out of 325 cases, 245 cases of fever and 30 cases of heatstroke have been reported.

On Friday, 96 cases of rising temperature were reported. Out of which 96 cases, 64 cases of fever and 15 cases of heatstroke were reported.

One 20 year old boy died due to heart attack in Surendranagar. One 63 year old person died due to sun stroke in Rajkot. In Surat during last 3 days, 25 cases of sun stroke were reported.

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