As per Euro Control sources,Ukrainian authorities havae declared eastern part of the country as no-fly zone after a Malaysian airliner MH17 carrying 295 people crashed in the volatile region, European flight safety body.Even, European and US airlines have rerouted their flights. Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down in a “terrorist” attack. US official said intelligence analysts “strongly believe” it was downed by a surface-to-air missile. “Since the crash, the Ukrainian authorities have informed Eurocontrol of the closure of routes from the ground to unlimited (altitude) in Eastern Ukraine,” a statement said yesterday. “All flight plans that are filed using these routes are now being rejected by Eurocontrol. The routes will remain closed until further notice” said Eurocontrol. It is learnt that the doomed plane was flying at a level known as “330”, or approximately 10,000 metres or 33,000 feet, when it disappeared from radar screens. The route itself had been closed to level “320” but was cleared for those flying at the Malaysian plane’s altitude.