When Director Luv Ranjan announced his next directorial (untitled) starring Ajay Devgn and Ranbir Kapoor, everybody got very excited. Both the stars loved the script and were last together in Prakash Jha’s Rajneeti (2010).
As per rumors, the film has run into some roadblocks. “The blockbuster success of Raj Kumar Hirani’s Sanju created problems for two people – Luv Ranjan and Sajid Khan, the director of Housefull 4. Sanjay Dutt left Housefull 4 as his brand value has increased tremendously after Sanju, which has cross Rs. 316 crores already. Nobody, including Ranbir, thought it would be such a huge hit so apparently the issue for Luv Ranjan’s film is now about profit-sharing as everything changed after Sanju. Sanju has taken a bigger opening than Race 3 on a non-holiday and from that time there’s talk that Ranbir wants a bigger share of the profits. He wants to re-structure the pay package. The movie doesn’t have a producer/ studio right now but it’s a hot cake proposal and anybody will produce it.”
There were even reports that Ranbir said no because it’s a father-son story and he is insecure about playing a son to Ajay’s father. The source refutes the rumor. “Why would Ranbir do that when he’s always said he loved the script in his pre-release interviews? Both Ranbir and Ajay are secure actors who know what they bring to the table.
Before Sanju release, Ranbir was definitely interested in the emotional drama but after the film he apparently wants a change in the profit-sharing ratio, which before Sanju’s release was approximately 40 per cent for Ajay and Ranbir each and 20 per cent for Luv, as he’s known as a super hit director, when the project started. But today among the three, Ranbir is the biggest star so buzz is that Luv may ask Ranbir to take 60 per cent, Ajay to take 30 per cent and keep the rest himself. But finally, Ranbir may agree and walk away with the lion’s share if he’s given 70 per cent and do the film – something which Ajay may not like. While Ranbir may be doing Shamshera for Aditya Chopra and Raj Kumar Hirani’s next, both don’t pay their actors big fees so the negotiations with Ranbir are still on. He is doing the film for sure, but the financial transactions have to be worked out. Apparently, Luv is trying his best now to work out a deal with both his actors so that they both come aboard.” However, Luv Ranjan who is currently in London for De De Pyar De remained unavailable for comment.