Today The Rashtriya Dalit Adhikar Manch (RDAM) had called off ‘rail roko’ protest after the Gujarat government intiated talks with them. Dalit groups in Gujarat began protesting after 4 men from the community were beaten publicly in Una on suspicion of cow slaughter. The protesters demanded 5 acres of land be given to every Dalit family in the state under the poverty line.“Rail roko programme has been called off. The government approached us on the eve of the stir,” said Subodh Parmar, convener of RDAM.“Minister of state for home Pradeepsinh Jadeja contacted Jignesh Mevani Dalit leader. Talks are likely to be held next on October 5,” added convenor. Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani and about 200 sanitation workers hold a protest in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on September 27, 2016.
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