Today the trailer of Saif Ali Khan, Tabu and Alaya F starrer Jawaani Jaaneman was released and the film promises to be a laughter riot. After releasing several intriguing posters, makers was finally unveiled. The trailer which gives us a glimpse of this unusual comic film.
It begins with Farida Jalal questioning her son (Saif) if he is gay, because he runs away from commitment and marriage. A few seconds after, we see Alaya entering the scene and giving us the major twist!
Saif looks incredible in his young avatar and Tabu charms us with her presence. Pooje Bedi’s daughter Alaya, who makes her Bollywood debut with the film, is like a breath of fresh air.
Jawaani Jaaneman brings Saif and Tabu together after many years. The film is been directed by Nitin Kakkar and will release on January 31.