In a latest development CBI Central Bureau of Investigation director Alok Verma and CBI deputy director Rakesh Asthana have been sent on leave amid an internal fight of officers of the premier investigating agency. Currently, Joint director of CBI Nageshwar Rao has been assigned with responsibility of the interim director of the cbi with immediate effect, as per a statement by the department of personnel and training.
at the behest of the Central Vigilance Commission, some of Verma’s closest confidants, as well as many officers said to be in his ‘camp’ were also transferred.
A.K. Bassi, a superintendent-rank officer who was investigating the bribery case against Asthana and was alleged to have been acting at the behest of Verma to carry out “roving inquiries” about the special director and his family, was asked to leave for Port Blair with immediate effect, in “public interest”.
A.K. Sharma, joint director (policy), who is said to be close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a friend of Verma, was transferred to the Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Agency (MDMA) unit of the CBI in New Delhi.
The MDMA is considered a defunct body that was set up in 1998 on the recommendations of Justice M.C. Jain Commission to conduct a probe into the conspiracy of Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination.
DIG Amit Kumar from Chandigarh will hold additional charge of joint director (policy) now, making him the second most important officer in the CBI, as he is handling the coal scam cases.