Today in Botad District, in Ranpur Taluka in a car accident near Shree Hotel in Ranpur. Approximately, 4 persons were injured as car overturn. Ambulance is assigned from Ranpur location.
Fafda Jalebi of Rs 15 crores consumed in Ahmedabad on Dusshera In Gujarat, it has become common to enjoy Dusshera with a combination of Salty-Sweet dish of Fafda-Jalebi. It’s an obsession of Gujaratis. Fafda-Jalebis delicious combination, are served hot. Popular Farsan makers get busy in preparation and sale of Fafda Jalebi using special pandals. Fafda […]
Ashutosh and team who had shot a major chunk of the film at Bhuj received full support and cooperation from the people residing at the village. As the film has been shot in the interiors of the place, the team had picked up locations near to the villages. And so the makers also spoke to the panchayat […]
Today in Ahmedabad, Habeas Corpus petition has been filed by father Janardan Sharma of Nitya Nandita Sharma in Gujarat High Court. The controversy of missing girl from Swami Nityanand Ashram. Elder sister Lopa Mudra communicated through social media with police. Lopa Mudra made allegations on her father of looting Ashram money. Father Janardan blames Ashram […]