Today Bombay high court released the food regulator’s ban on popular Maggi noodles. HC asked manufacturer Nestle India to conduct fresh tests in view of public health concerns. The court directed samples from 5 of the 9 variants of Maggi have to be tested by government accredited and recognised laboratories.
The company will be allowed to manufacture Maggi again if the lead level in the samples is found within permissible level, the HC said, adding the sample-testing has to be done within six weeks.
A division bench of Justice VM Kanade and Justice BP Colabawalla delivered the verdict on a petition from Nestle, after regulator FSSAI banned all 9 variants of Maggi on June 5 this year. Additional solicitor general Anil Singh — appearing for FSSAI — asked for a stay on the order, but the court recorded that the order passed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India was set aside.