Jetha Bharwad, BJP MLA from Shehra in Godhra, was on Tuesday unanimously elected the first vice-president of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, popularly known as Amul. The post of vice-president of Amul was recently created when the milk federation amended its bye-laws. Bharwad, also chairman of Panchmahal District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd, was welcomed to the post by Amul chairman Jetha Patel and assured to “work towards the development” of the milk producers in the state.
Bharwad’s appointment as vice-president of Amul is seen as a move appease the split dairy groups, staking claim to the post of chairman, the election for which was held in August. Bharwad, who enjoys support from dairies in Saurashtra, received congratulatory messages from Shankar Chaudhary, who was recently elected as chairman of Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producers Union in Palanpur. Bharwad said that since Amul was an international brand, the union must ensure quality of milk and milk products without any compromise so as to improve the livelihood of the milk farmers.