CR Patil’s welcome rally by car cancelled in wake of Coronavirus pandemic, after big controversy denial from Delhi high command was given on welcome rally.
Gujarat BJP president CR Patil arrives at Surat airport from Delhi, to take part in welcome rally shortly.
Amid Covid-19 outbreak with more than 52,563 cases in Gujarat, massive car rally is organized in Surat city to welcome new Gujarat BJP president CR Patil. It is a first massive rally after Patil becoming state party president. The rally started from Valak Patia. Thousands of people including BJP partymen and supporters are likely to attend. Rally will go around in half of the city spreading over 30 kms covering Varachha, Sarthana and Katargam Patidar dominating areas. BJP has changed the original route of rally from Surat airport to electoral constituency of Patil , later was changd to Patidar dominating areas.
patil office
CR Patil’s office in the city is decorated by BJP partymen in joy of becoming a member from south Gujarat.
Surat city sow spur in Covid cases and latest 256 cases found after opening of Diamond and textile markets.
BJP Gujarat president CR Patil's welcome rally cancelled in Surat
Posted by Gujarat Headline on Friday, 24 July 2020