Bollywood’s Dusky Beauty Bipasha Basu recently visited his alleged boyfriend Karan Singh Grover on the sets of his upcoming movie “3 Dev”, for which he is shooting in Gujarat currently. Even though Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover don’t want to admit they are in a relationship, the same is pretty evident.
The actress paid a visit to him on the sets and was seen spending time with her beau. Apart from 3 Dev, KSG will also be seen in his upcoming film Hate Story 3, that has made waves owing to its sensuous and raunchy content. Looks like KSG and Bips returned together from Gujarat as they were recently spotted at the airport. Bipasha was spotted in a pair of black ripped slacks which she teamed with a grey tee and a tassel shrug. KSG on the other hand was seen in a white tee, which he teamed up with a checkered shirt, denims and white sneakers. While KSG is exploring Bollywood, his ladylove Bips is hosting Darr Sabko Lagta Hai, a TV horror show. There was a time when KSG was one of the most popular stars in Telly land but looks like he has found his calling in Bollywood after all.