Watch ‘Chand Aasmano Se Laapata’ song from the movie Alone starring Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover. Song is sung by Bhaven Dhanak and Music is given by Jeet Ganguli.The Film is Directed by Bhushan Patel and Produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak, Pradeep Agarwal & Prashant Sharma. Film is set to release on January 16th 2015.
The story revolves around conjoined twins Anjana and Sanjana, who had promised to be together always and how the death of one sister leads to a series of chilling incidents that leads the surviving sister to believe that the ghost of her dead twin is haunting her. The film stars Bipasha Basu as Anjana and Sanjana and TV actor Karan Singh Grover, who makes his Bollywood debut with this film.