Finally Bhupendra Patel is new Gujarat Chief Minister after resignation of Vijay Rupani. All speculations and rumours have come to an end after formal announcement by BJP Bharatiya Janta Paty high command. Name of Bhupendrabhai was unanimously selected in BJP core committee meeting.

Bhupendrabhai Patel was thankful to Amit Shah and Narendra Modi. Vijay Rupani and CR Patil congratulated to new CM.

Family of Bhupendrabhai is very happy with his appointment as chief minister.

Care taker Chief Minister congratulated Bhupendrabhai Patel on getting Chief Ministership.
Bhupendra Patel was chairman of AUDA Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority.
Two names of CR Patil and Nitin Patel in race of Gujarat chief ministership ; Core committee meeting at BJP head quarter in Kamalam; Nitin Patel told to media that your efforts will not go in vain. He also said Chief Minister should be a popular person.
There are other contenders including Parshottam Rupala, Mansukh Manadaviya, Ganpat Vasava and Praful Patel. BJP high command will consider Patidar and Koli factor in wake of upcoming Assembly Elections 2022. Also a very strong elction oriented candidate for BJP Gujarat and chief minister’s post will be chosen.