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Bad news for 43 lakh school children getting Mid-Day Meal: Manish Doshi of Gujarat Congress

Today Gujarat Congress spokesman Manish Doshi briefed about bad d news for 43 lakh school children pertaining to their Mid-Day Meal. Doshi said that state government has decided to stop providing Breakfast in schools effective from September 1. Now only meal will be served to school children in their Mid-Day Meal.

Objectives of the Mid-Day Meal was to Improve nutritional status of the children in classes I to VIII of Government, Local Body and Government-Aided S chools, Special Training Centres (STC), Mad arsas and Maqtabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).

Congress spokesman has shared a video byte for media about curtailment in Mid Day Meal to 43 lakh school children.

Mid-Day Meal scheme is being run in all government schools providing food to school children in the form of breakfast and afternoon meal. State government has decided to stop providing Breakfast to school children. Earlier 43 lakh School Children were provided with afternoon meal and a morning breakfast.
According to the new circular, now they will only be given afternoon Meal and not morning Breakfast. According to the circular of year 2017, a Menu was prepared to give them weekly Breakfast and Snacks. On reducing side, the new circular only mentions providing of afternoon Meal only.

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