Today, Asha Parekh veteran Bollywood actress visits Ahmedabad for women’s charitable program. Asha Parekh distributed Kits to BPL women. Ms Parekh talked on Women Empowerment. Asha Parekh shares her secret how she turned Nirasha into Asha (transform frustration into hope). Ms Parekh talked of how she got the opportunity in the film. During start of her filmy career actress was rejected two days of shooting with a comment that you are not “actress material”. Ms Parekh further said but destiny has decided me to make heroine, immediately I got a call from S Mukherjee, and rest you all know.
With very encouraging talk and gesture BPL women of Ahmedabad were delighted. Ms Parekh told her fan that look beyond ‘Kati Patang’ and happy to learn that lady took example of her movie .